When I was fifteen, I blogged every day. This was back in the halcyon days of blogspot; my friends and I all linked to each other's posts, shared vague secrets and hopes, critiqued each other's writing, wrote about webcomics and physics class and weird choices we'd seen people make at the grocery store or coffee shop. I did it for years. Only got one death threat, so I think I got off pretty easy for a citizen of the wild wild '00s internet.
I think that I'm going to start doing it again; not every day (christ no), but every once in a while. I can't promise much other than typos, but with the social media landscape the way it is I think it might not be a bad idea to have a place on the internet that's mine again.
I'll probably mention it on socials whenever a post goes up. Or, if you want, you can sign up for my newsletter, and maybe I'll send a note when I've got something I think is important to say.
Anyway. Let's bring back webrings, everybody.